
For the past two years, I’ve chosen a single word to guide my year.  I have chosen words that I can embrace personally, at home, and in prayer.  2020 will be no different. This year my guiding word is Create.  I don’t mean create in its most obvious interpretation for an artist, creating art or being creative with photography, but this year I want to create home, create time, create stillness, and create balance. I’ve recently come out of a long, barren year where I felt like I’ve just been going through the motions barely keeping my head above the water. Postpartum depression is very real and so are all of the struggles that come with it. I found it very difficult to find balance, time and stillness during the late-night feedings or running on pure adrenaline during the day taking care of four small children, focusing only on holding down the fort. At the end of each and every day, I couldn't wait to crawl into bed... I could stay there for as long as possible. I desperately hung onto last year's word… BRAVE…It took an incredible amount of energy and bravery to keep moving forward. I seared the word brave onto my heart and it took every bit of brave to find my reason and feel whole again. No matter how far down in the depths I would go, bravery was always my gentle reminder to come back.  Was I brave today? No matter the accomplishment, big or small, if I could answer “yes” to that question. I know I was headed in the right direction.

Now, I feel the strings deep in my soul beckoning me back. Back to a place where the rhythm of priorities and life beat ever so steadily. I waited for it all last year...waited and waited and waited for this rhythm to magically make a debut. I realize I have to create this rhythm myself; it is my job to make the melody. Hello 2020, this year I will CREATE.

Welcome to Artifact Motherhood. This is a collaboration of artists from around the world who have come together to share our stories of the joys and struggles of our journey. Through our writings and visual records, we want to create memories that are more than photographs with dates written on the back. These are the artifacts we are leaving behind for our children and for generations to come. Up next is the amazingly talented Paige Rain click here to follow the link.